Stunning Cannabis Liquid/Drink Options

Turning smoking and dabbling into drinking.

Although  some countries  have legalized the use of cannabis  others are yet to do so.

The smoking of cannabis  makes it very uncomfortable  to the surrounding  customers  in bars and restaurants .

Since the development  of fizzed drinks of sativa, it’s now a popular  refreshment  drinks now getting  their way to brewing  industries.

The cannabis plant which traditionally  used to be smoked and dabbled is now available  in beer and fizzy drinks.

Cannabis  has got three different  subspecies  which are all mixed and blended together give a very euphoric  mood to the users.

Although  cannabinoids cannot get you high they are put in lemonade drinks and they can relieve   inflammatory  pains

The major ingredient in cannabis which is able to alter the mind is known  as tetrahydrocannabinol.


The amount of THC differs significantly from  one brand to another plus the various  uses of flavours  making each drink special that one can hardly choose between  two stools.

Brands available.

There are various  types of cannabis  drinks which have been tremendously processed and now available  in cans and bottles.

CannaPunch: the brand has raspberry, pineapple  and mango flavours with small amounts of THC.

Zasp: This contains 120mg of THC and is full of lemon, tangerine, strawberry and blackberries flavours to give undeniably  good relaxational feeling.

Cannabis Quencher: This type of drink is suitable  for a hot day out there with its 75 mg content  of THC.

Canna Cola : Is a fizzed drink with cannabis  and usually  used in states  where it’s legal as medicinal drink

Subtle  Tea: It looks like  the green  tea and it contains  40 mg of THC which will send you utterly focused.

Recess: this particular  one  has hemp  extracts  and has been  flavoured  to provide a refreshing  and relaxational  mood.

Artect : has 37.5 mg of THC for old users and also they have 2.5 mg for new users who lack experience  and would love to try the adventure.

Advantages of Cannabis Drink/ Liquid

One particular thing  about cannabis  drink over smoke, which has hit it out of the park  is that it’s now drunk in bars, restaurants  or hotels just like beer or any fizzy drink.

Secondly  the fact that now the drink can be emulsified  well and be seasoned  with variety of flavours  to most drinkers  it’s been music to their ears.

A third advantage  which has made the drink so popular  is the fact that it can be measured  in the amount  of its THC, consumers are now able to pick their choices and this has been a game changer .Last but not least  the processing  of cannabis  drink  has ensured that the ingredients  are now able