Psilocybin is a compound contained in magic mushrooms that causes its hallucinogenic side effects. Because of psilocybin, magic mushrooms are classified as a controlled substance. Other than causing the hallucinations, 

Despite their drug-like characteristics, magic mushrooms have many health benefits. 

  1. Help with staving off addictions to narcotic substances.

Researchers already have success in the use of psilocybin in reducing cravings for alcohol use. The results were encouraging as the study showed Hey Sero Shroom Dispensary psilocybin decreases cravings for alcohol use.

This research has opened the door to more exploratory studies into the treatment of hard-substance abuse.

  • Depression

Researchers have also invested time and money into studying how shrooms can help with depression. Researchers did a study of individuals with a recorded history of depression, and the sample size for this study was 27 individuals. 

The researchers gave each participant two doses of the hallucinogen psilocybin every two weeks from August 2017 through April 2019.

The study’s results were very encouraging as the levels of depression in the participants remained low for twelve months. However, to ensure that the investigation is conclusive, researchers propose to conduct more studies and explore the long-term effects of psilocybin in treating depression. 

  • Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

There are no human trials yet in using psilocybin in treating PTSD; however, studies have been carried out in mice. Mice are the perfect specimens as they have some DNA similar to the DNA of human beings. The study showed that psilocybin could re-condition the fear response in mice. 

Studies on the use of psilocybin are not 100% accurate as-mentioned earlier-psilocybin is a hallucinogenic, giving it the characteristic of a controlled substance. 

  • Treatment of Anxiety

Research in 2006 used a sample size of 51 cancer patients. The patients were divided into two groups, one group was given a high dose of psilocybin, and another group was given a low dose of psilocybin.

Researchers observed that the control group given the high dose had an increased positive attitude towards their situation and had a more positive outlook on life. They were less likely to have death anxiety. 

How do the magic mushrooms function?

There are common effects that magic mushrooms will have on the human body. Some of these body responses are;

  1. It increases the energy available to you. Cancer patients given high doses of the shroom developed a more positive outlook on life.
  2. Psylocibin gives a euphoric feeling. You tend to feel more content with life.
  3. Distorted reality. Psilocybin gives you a new outlook on life. You can say it more, peeking behind the curtain.
  4. Excitement. Because of the increased energy levels, one tends to explore the new reality they are living.