Cannabis, also known as marijuana is a plant whose dried leaves, seed, oil, and other parts used for medicinal and recreational purposes. It may have a pleasurable effect and can soothe various conditions, i.e. chronic pain. Mostly the plant has been used as a drug; this leads to changes in the brain, and once an individual uses it for sometimes as drug he/she cannot function normally without it and thus becoming addicted.    

The usage of marijuana leads to a range of health problems, predominantly related to lung and heart problems and mental disorders. 

Marijuana smoke irritates the lungs, and long-term smokers experience most of the respirational conditions experienced by tobacco users, these effects include: 

  • Day-to-day cough with production of phlegm.  
  • Periodic severe chest illness 
  • High risk of getting lung infections 
  • Immune system damage 
  • damages the central nervous system and the brain cells killed 
  • Fertility issues to both male and female 
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate 

According to the recent research, it has been found that frequent marijuana smokers who don’t smoke tobacco tend to have a lot of health complications and fail to go to work more than the nonsmokers, this is mainly due to the respiratory illnesses associated. It is still unknown whether or not marijuana contributes to the risk of contracting lung cancer. 

The research also indicates that marijuana use increases the heart rate by 20-100% soon after smoking; the effect can go up to three hours. Besides the study also found out that marijuana smoking has 4.8-fold escalation to risk of contracting heart attack in the primary first hour of smoking the drug. The risk could be greater for older adults and individual with cardiac vulnerabilities. 

Chronic marijuana use is linked to mental illness. High dosages can lead to a momentary psychotic response to some users. The drug usage also worsens the course of disease for schizophrenia patients. A series of studies also link marijuana and the development of psychosis. 

The abuse of marijuana is also associated with some mental health problems, such as: 

  • Anxiety 
  • Depression 
  • Suicidal thoughts ( particular among youths) 
  • Persona disturbances 
  • Lack of inspiration to participate in typically rewarding activities( negativity) 

Marijuana use in the prenatal period is associated with an increased threat of neurobehavioral complications in offspring. This is because the THC or tetrahydrocannabinol plus other compounds mimic the endocannabinoid chemicals of the body, the drug alters the development of the endocannabinoid system in the fetal brain. This results in the child having difficulties associated with memory, problem-solving and attention. 

Additionally, because marijuana impairs motor coordination and judgment, its usage poses a greater peril of injury or death to drivers. Data analysis recently suggests that marijuana use doubles a driver’s possibility of being in an accident. On another note, the taking of both alcohol and marijuana leads to more driving impairment than either of them alone Kush Pen