
Cannabis education is becoming part of learning that should be undertaken by everyone. If one is not a cannabis user s/he may be affected in one way or the other. The message received by people needs to be looked at, as many are advising people to say no to cannabis without any substantial reasons. There has been changing in how people are educated about cannabis, especially in states which have legalized its use. There is a growing need to bring the discussion home to ensure all people are getting the right education. The need has been brought by the reasons explained below.

Cannabis education for parents and their children

For a long time, children have not been involved in the dialogue on cannabis education This is especially at home where parents are afraid of discussing openly on cannabis-related topics. There is a need to talk to parents on the importance of teaching and guiding their children, and this calls for cannabis education even at home. Parents do not benefit much from educational resources on cannabis, as this is not designed towards them.

People have been so much into what the students are learning in school about cannabis, and little has been done to pass the message to the parents at home. It cannot be assumed that all parents are educated; some are not, and others have little knowledge. Some parents, though educated, grew in a society where cannabis was a taboo. There is a need to change their perception by bringing cannabis education home. Confidence to talk about cannabis should be built in everyone so that the productive discussion can take place even at home. If this is done, many people will have sufficient knowledge and make the right decisions on the use of cannabis.

Existence of touching perception about cannabis

Perceptions can affect the proper use of cannabis. Young people may only have a positive perception of the drug. Most of them will say the drug is safe without harmful effects, and most believe that addiction only happens to certain people. It has been shown in studies done that there is more harm of cannabis use among the adolescence. Worryingly, only 30 percent of parents are ready to hold cannabis talks with their children. This points a clear need to bring cannabis education home. There are reports that only a few parents are willing to educate their children on cannabis. Legalization of cannabis is a concern for several parents. This shows a gap that needs to be filled by bringing cannabis education home.


Following the discussion above, there is a clear need to bring cannabis education home. This can be done easily with the wide variety of products of the Online Dispensary Buy Bud Now.The strategies should change to ensure that everybody has the right information on cannabis. Informed societies reduce risks of mistakes which can bring harm.

Cannabis refers to a group of three plants, Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. These three plants have psychoactive properties. Their flowers are often harvested and dried to create one of the most commonly used drug as pot, weed, or marijuana.


The following is a chronological order of the most notable laws and their changes about cannabis in recorded history.

1300 – The Emir of Joneima in Arabia, Soudoun Sheikouni prohibited the use of cannabis across his nation. This is one of the earliest recorded cannabis bans in the world.

1787 – When Madagascar King  Andrianampoinimerina took the throne in 1787, one of his first acts was to outlaw the use of cannabis by the citizens of his kingdom. Anyone caught using the substance was subjected to capital punishment as a penalty for disobedience to this law.

1800 – When Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt in 1800, he became concerned by his troop’s habit of smoking hashish through pipes and their drinking of cannabis-based beverages. This concerns led him to ban both the drug and the system that provided it.

1870 – South-East Africa which was known as Natal Colony enacted the Coolie Law Consolidation. This law prohibited Indian workers from possessing, using, selling or gifting cannabis regardless of its quantity. In the same year, Singapore burned all uses of cannabis.

1877 – The Ottoman government based at Constantinople had earlier taken Egypt from Napoleon Bonaparte following his defeat and expulsion. In 1877 it mandated all hashish in Egypt to be destroyed. Two years later in 1879 importation of cannabis was burned by Khedivate of Egypt.

1894 – Indian Hemp Drugs Commission which was based in British India released its findings concluding that the moderate use of cannabis practically produced no harmful effects. In all cases with the exception of a few the harm from moderate use was not significant.

1948 – Japan established a licensing system for dealers and punishment for unlicensed use or sale through its cannabis control law.

1961 – The United Nation declared the use of cannabis for any purpose other than medical and scientific use to be discontinued as soon as possible but within 25 years. This declaration was reached in Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.

1972 – The Netherlands divided drugs into more dangerous and less dangerous categories. Cannabis was put in a less dangerous category. A misdemeanor was to be given if someone was in possession of 30 grams or less.

1975 – Ali Soilih seized power in Comoros and legalized cannabis to gain the support of Comoros’ youths among his other radical reforms.

1996 – The state of California in the United States of America became the first jurisdiction in the USA to legalize cannabis for medical use.

2001 – The Use of Medical cannabis was legalized in Canada.

2004 – Cannabis was classified as a class C drug in the United Kingdom. Class C drug is a class for less harmful drugs. However, it was restored to class B drug in 2009.

2011 – Several Cannabis-derived drugs were approved in Denmark for medical use.

2012 – Washington State and Colorado in the United States voters voted to legalize recreational cannabis. This started the green rush which has resulted in the creation of employment for hundreds of people.

2017 – Lesotho became the first African county to give a license for medical cannabis. It was followed by Zimbabwe in 2018.

2020 – Cannabis possession and growth were legalized in Australian Capital. This is usually for personal use.

Malawi and Lebanon have become the latest countries to legalize use of medical cannabis in 2020.

Conclusion Throughout history, many kingdoms, countries, and states have burned and prohibited the use of cannabis by its citizens for centuries. However, looking at recent studies and trends, its medical use continues to be legalized in many countries. A few countries and states have also legalized the recreational use of cannabis among its population.

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